Monday, November 17, 2014

Islamophobia…what, really? How about the others too!

We find ourselves in the 21st century where Communism, Fascism, Marxism and to some extent Nazism is common place in the beliefs a good portion of Americans.   But what about the ever present debate on Islam and the so called Islamophobia going around; does it have merit or is simply progressivism dictating the new standard of what is and isn’t a phobia when it comes to religion.  I mean come on, what about the other religions that seem to take a back seat and get beat down while terrorists rise up in the name of Mohammed and Allah to behead folks.
 Ignorance I say, Ignorance.   Ignorance you say, well this appears to be the reasoning that is behind the anti-Christian, anti-Judaism movement of the 21st century; or is it.  Judaism and Christianity have a long history of being persecuted worldwide and across centuries of human history.   What about the other religions “they too have been persecuted at the hands of Jews and Christian”. (So say the progressives and the list of those in the opening statement)  Well, this isn’t entirely accurate, and it’s disingenuous to say such a thing.   Why, well as history has been recorded and recorded in the fashion of recording religions, the recording have set  a precedence that no other has been set before us; except for history of myths, legends and exceptionally famous folks like Mozart, that is. 
Even in the presence of hate towards Christians, Jews and the like, Islam still seems to receive unprecedented amounts of favor and exceptional amounts of ignoring of the facts in the face of those facts about it.  Why, well neither is it about ignorance, nor is it about a preferred religion over another. It’s about fear.  Islam has managed to strike fear once again in the hearts of human’s worldwide for a second time in world history.   How you say?  It’s obvious at the basic level of world history since its inception and creation.  I’m not going to go in-depth about the written history of any religion; one can do that on their own with a simple Google search.  But, what I am doing here is pointing out the entrenched amount of bigotry, enmity, hate and fear expressed for one of the largest faiths in human history and in today’s times none the less; Christianity, not Islam.  You see, Islam isn’t suffering large swaths of legal issues worldwide, but Christianity is and to a large extent anything related to it is as well.    Because the ever present view is, terrorists have hijacked the religion, or not all Muslims are terrorists.  Yet nearly every terrorist in the last century have been Muslims.  You have to include the world and not just little ole America in these things, because the world still turns without America.
There is a group out there, In America to say the least, called the “Freedom from Religion Foundation.” This foundation stands its ground against, well, mainly Christianity and all that it stands for, and is empowered by: atheists, Muslims and non religious individuals.  But are those non-religious folks really non religious.  I’d put mucho amounts of money on the fact that everyone, and I meant everyone, has a system in their lives that has a systemic way that is like a religion in nature.  “OH, how can you say such a thing about atheists”, well atheism has a structure that is so anti-Christian that it has tenants that resemble those of any religion.  So do hobbies that relate to sports, cars, drinking, clubbing, money making and the list can go on and on.  “Well those aren’t religions per-se.”  Sorry dear heart, yes they are.  They are things that govern most our thoughts, have set times and places of events and have dedicated rituals that go along with them; just like a religion.  Sorry pumpkin, I busted your bubble; well I’m not really sorry. 
So, back the original argument!  Are we really a Islamophobia nation?  I’m going to say yes, but it’s not for the same reason that liberals and progressives think it is; it’s because this religion wants you to be afraid of it submit or die period…….  Also, simultaneously, the world has become Christian phobic as well, yet Islam receives a good amount of good and trusted favor despite its global terroristic tactics, murder and mayhem.   One cannot simply use the argument anymore that Christianity used the same tactics.  Wel it didn’t, it was the Catholics who did and still do to some extent in the Latin worlds with high respect to the Vatican and its Devil the Pope.  Well Isn’t Catholicism and Christianity the same?  No it’s not your ignorant goat, it’s catatonically different in just about every sing facet of it.  That’s like saying Christianity is the same as Islam and is the same as Mormonism or Jehovah whiteness; arguably they all are similar in one thing, structure and that is it. 

So, take a long standing look at your phobias of the day and tell me if Islam or Christianity receives equal amounts of criticism and bigotry the like form Liberals and progressives. If you say yes, then you’re a complete ignoramus and in need of some serious education.   

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Constitutional Crisis Extended

"In addition to its critical role in providing oversight of the Department of Justice and the agencies "under the Department's jurisdiction, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Department of Homeland Security, the Judiciary Committee plays an important role in the consideration of nominations and pending legislation. The Senate Judiciary Committee also considers legislation, resolutions, messages, petitions, memorials and other matters, as provided for in the Standing Rules of the Senate.  These areas include:

Apportionment of Representatives
Bankruptcy, mutiny, espionage, and counterfeiting
Civil liberties
Constitutional amendments
Federal courts and judges
Government information
Holidays and celebrations
Immigration and naturalization
Interstate compacts generally
Judicial proceedings, civil and criminal, generally
Local courts in territories and possessions
Measures relating to claims against the United States
National penitentiaries
Patent Office
Patents, copyrights, and trademarks
Protection of trade and commerce against unlawful restraints and monopolies
Revision and codification of the statutes of the United States
State and territorial boundary lines." " Jurisdiction." Senate Committee Jurisdiction. Web. 11 Nov. 2014. <>.

As you can can see from the list above, it should be of no wonder the sheer audacity of Obama to say he has the legal system behind him with regards to Illegal Immigration.  But, this may soon come to an end with the new Senate being taken by the Republicans.  Having nominated a more radical replacement to Eric Holder, one Loretta Lynch, who seemingly agrees on 4 distinct issues, Obama appears to have that same swagger and audacity to think he's shielded.  For him to think that he's capable of going forward with his " I have a pen and a phone" idea also shows his ignorance and blatant disregard for the "rule of law".  

Monday, June 18, 2012

Holders "Impending constitutional crisis"

As Eric Holder faces significant backlash over the "Fast and Furious" ordeal, he has still managed to foreward responsibility on those who seek the truth.  Eric Holder is quoted as saying  “I want to make it very clear that I am offering — I myself — to sit down with the Speaker, the chairman, with you, whoever, to try and work our way through this in an attempt to avoid a constitutional crisis, and come up with ways, creative ways, in which to make this material available. But I’ve got to have a willing partner. I’ve extended my hand, and I’m waiting to hear back,” Holder said in response to a question posed by Grassley.  This issue is not a matter of truth or dare or even the impending consequences he may face over contempt, but of constitutional backlash to his office and the Obama administration.  The Senate Judiciary is the committee that has oversight of the Attorney Generals office, which in this case is have yet to establish if there is a clear violation of the constitutional regarding support of operations that circumvent congressional approval.  As it stands 10 Democrats
and 8 Republicans are on the committee and the ranking leader is from the controlling party of the Senate.  Just like the speaker of the house, this committee has its own rules regarding what to investigate or not.  The Judiciary Act of 1789 created the Office of the Attorney General which evolved over the years into the head of the Department of Justice and chief law enforcement officer of the Federal Government.  The point here is that this office,  being the 4th office created by congress, has just as much respect as does the presidents office.  And yet we have here a man who runs the largest law office in the world and still is unwilling to abide by the constitution to uphold the law, which in this case is to release court ordered documents.  He's refused to enforce illegal immigration, refused to release documents ordered by a court and has refused to investigate the legality of drone strikes on american citizens abroad.  The constitutional crisis here is one of malice and animosity towards the constitution stemming from the highest office's in the land. 

Read more:

Sunday, June 17, 2012

MLK Jr. would be ashamed of this man

If  you grew up in the 90's and anywhere remotely near LA, then the name Rodney King means a whole lot.  But in the minutes before Rodney King had died, he indulged himself in the very things that got him his beating the first time.  So what shall we say about this so called legend?  Well, he was a loser in life and now in death.  The memory of this man will fade away into nothingness, while the real victims, the whites who were beat to near death in LA will never let it go.  In the age where the black community is free to be racist, violent, and painfully overburdening in cases where they cannot contribute properly to our nation, one must set back and wonder just what the hell are they doing but causing more pain for themselves by looking up to men like this as a legend or hero.  The race baters such as: Rev. Jackson, Rev Wright, and Al Sharpton have created just as much, if not more, to destroy the black image than Rodney King did.  MLK would be ashamed to see such people as the pillers of the black community. 

Monday, June 11, 2012

Social Issues and Politics

So I asked a collegue today at work why the gay comumnity chose the rainbow as their icon. Not to my surprise I got the same response as all the others give, and it was I dont know where it came from or what it means.  This is one of the questions Rush asked last week as well.  Anyone have an answer?